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our address
Hotel Ontario
Zámecký vrch 20
360 01 Karlovy Vary
Czech Republic
map with a direction
Our contacts
send us an email: recepce@hotelontario.cz
or call: +420 739 973 233
or fax: +420 353 223 343
We are a three-and-a-half-star hotel with a unique family atmosphere and with a history over 150 years. We are located in a unique and quiet location above the famous Mill Colonnade, just a few steps from the healing springs, right in the centre of Karlovy Vary. The hotel was built from a historic building named Ontario, built around 1855 and completely renovated in 2003-2005.
Our hotel offers 13 comfortably furnished and spacious rooms with unique view of the spa centre and the Teplá River. Right next to the hotel building, there is a parking lot guarded by a CCTV camera system.
Write to us
we’ll respond by return
get connected with us
our address
Hotel Ontario
Zámecký vrch 20
360 01 Karlovy Vary
Czech Republic
map with a direction
our contacts
e-mail: recepce@hotelontario.cz
phone: +420 353 222 091
fax: +420 353 223 343
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About the Operator
Company name: Bau-Hold, a. s.
Registered office: Karlovy Vary – Dvory, Loketská 344/12, Post Code 360 06
Legal form: joint stock company
File number: 1495 B, Regional Court in Pilsen
Business Identification Number: 28057716
Tax Identification Number: CZ28057716
Bank account for CZK: 43-7685200217/0100 Komerční banka, a.s.
Bank account for EURO: 43-4497790287/0100 Komerční banka, a.s.
IBAN:CZ 7001000000434497790287/KOMBCZPPXXX
Contact telephone number: +420 739 973 233
Contact email address: ontario@bauhold.cz
Operator’s website: www.bauhold.cz
Information Obligation
In the event that a consumer dispute arises between ourselves and the consumer from the sales agreement or from the service provision agreement that cannot be settled by mutual agreement, the consumer may submit a proposal for an out-of-court settlement of such a dispute to the designated entity for extrajudicial dispute resolution, which is
Czech Trade Inspection, Central Inspectorate – ADR Unit, Štěpánská 15, 120 00 Prague 2, email: adr@coi.cz, web: adr.coi.cz.
EET Information
Under the Sales Records Act, the seller is required to issue the buyer with a receipt. At the same time, they’re required to register the received revenue with the tax administrator online; in the event of a technical outage, within 48 hours at the latest.